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on at Lakeshore


Register here 


and choose 'Group Ticket' and select 'Lakeshore'



Stay tuned for more Ladies events coming up!

Natalie – 0400 054 990

Darine – 0477 6487 767


A new study on the letter of Romans will start July 10th. This is a good opportunity to have a taste of  the KYB Bible study method . All women welcome.


KYB has been a well respected and edifying ministry across the world..

Held every month - last Thursday of the month. Next Meeting details below


People in Park
Lakeshore Care and Connect
Coffee and Desserts

Care and Connect meets on the last Thursday of each month, often in cafes and scenic spots along the Coast.  People have found this to be a wonderful way to connect with people at church, and invite friends to meet our church family.

Where and When:  

  • Thursday 25th July 2024 - from 11am

  • Details to be advised  


Please RSVP at church or contact email for any questions, or RSVP                                


Everyone is welcome.

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